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You Are The Universe, The Universe is You

Artist: Martin Miller

You Aren’t Who You Think You Are

My name is such and such. This is my body. These are my parents. I do this kind of a job. I believe in these ideas.All that is only your veneer.

You Are The Universe

But what is your true nature? I will name it as Source or Universal Consciousness. It is eternal and directly connected to Source. We are absorbed in It. The Force is running through us.

Let me try to describe It by using the sun as a metaphor for Source… and the light particles or waves that emanate from it as being all life forms. The light spectrum may be varied in colors, but does that change the fact that we are light particles or waves? Are we all individual rays? No, we are all one beam or wave. Are they separate from the sun? You could say they come from the sun, but that wouldn’t be quite right. It’s more like the light is the sun. In the the same way we are connected to Universal Spirit.

Even though we are all packaged differently: human, cat, dog…are we really different? We are made of the same elements, breathe the same oxygen. And even the trees that breath carbon dioxide, are dependent on our exhalations and we depend on their oxygen output. So yes everything is interconnected. We all look different, but we are all the same.

So like the sun and the rays, Source emanates all life. We are all Source. Spirit is expressing itself through us. We are the manifestation of It. The Origin. It never dies. How do we know? We can’t prove it beyond a doubt, but we have evidence. Life has been on this planet for millions of years. Millions of species have lived on this earth. If creation wasn’t a universal principal, I would be surprised. What about all the other planets in all the solar systems? Possibilities are endless. Even if the universe goes through constant cycles of creation and destruction over billions of years, odds are there will be life somewhere.

The Implications of Being Source

How does this help for us to know this? Well, if we realize that we are part of something indescribably incredible, we will not feel isolated or lack meaning. We will embrace our true nature within us and all around us. Which means you will treat yourself and others better.

Look into the eyes of someone you love. What do you see? How do you feel? You’ll feel they are close and special. Having people to care for and having people who care for us is how we derive meaning from our lives. Try to look at all beings you meet and see the same Universal Life Force in them too, whether they be plant, insect, fish, animal or human.

Ego Gets In The Way of Enlightenment

Most humans have a spiritual sickness caused by their inability to comprehend their innate connection to Source because they are attached to their ego. Not just the materialists. But the religious as well. We cling to our thoughts that have been planted in our heads by our culture. And most of them obscure the fact that we are Spirit.

The physical shell we inhabit has life and death. We sense our ego as being separate. We want our individual bodies or souls to live forever. It seems like such a waste to live for a brief time. We Invest so much into our lives and then we just die? It’s so final. The end is terrifying. We create more systems and beliefs that will help us deal with life and death. Some believe that we only live once: you have to make the most of it. Others believe that the ego will transmigrate or live forever. Now we have to worry about what we will reincarnate as, or whether we will go to heaven or hell.

Going Down The Wrong Track To Find Meaning

So everyone turns toward anti-Source. They think they need something artificial to believe in, to make their lives less meaningless. That’s why people feel threatened when you question their belief systems. They know deep down it’s a cope. As well, their convictions allow them to mindlessly justify their right to destroy others and themselves. Might is right. Dog eat Dog. Golden Rule: I have the gold, so I rule. Platonic governance. Democracy: Majority rule, State worship, Religious Dogmatism, etc.

Is it any wonder the human race is confused and scared, unable to live up to their true potential? The connection to Source has been completely broken.

Humans Are Not At The Top of Creation’s Hierarchy

Although animals live in a direct predator/prey relationship, they seem to be more ethical than our species. I can’t imagine any other animals doing mass killings of their own or any other species. The Lion will only kill if he’s hungry or under attack. Once a lion has eaten, he is not at all interested in killing anymore. Animals realize that they all depend on each other so they only take what they need. We can’t kid ourselves, we are not as civilized as we think. Humans destroy for profit and for fun.

Should We Give Up On Ourselves Then?

This could make a person think that there is no hope for such a destructive race and it’s better for the planet if we disappear. I disagree because I think we have potential to be upright if we understand who we are. Source hasn’t given up yet, and seeing that I am Source, I won’t give up either.

Is there anything we can do to grow spiritually? We need to examine and cancel the programming that has been pumped into us since birth that has cut us off from the Universal Self. If we can’t see it now, it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Knowledge can get in the way of understanding truth. So we have to use our intuition and feel our way along, use our wisdom to ask: does this seem right? Understand that we will make mistakes and when when we realize it, do the corrections we need to do. For instance, if you think something is right and you find out it’s not, be honest with yourself and change course. But don’t beat yourself up over it . You weren’t foolish to have the idea. You simply outgrew it. A thought is not concrete. Thoughts come and go like clouds in the sky.

Perhaps, the majority of people have sunk to such a low vibration because they have been threatened and forced to conform for thousands of years, not because they are naturally messed up. What if people were allowed to fulfill Spirit’s destiny? Not have so many barriers in the way. It’s a testament to Nature that some of us have not lost touch with ourselves and our surroundings in such a warped world.

It All Comes Back To Source

But why doesn’t Source take over you might ask? Why doesn’t it force us to become enlightened? Well, maybe divine intelligence is trying to figure things out as we go along. It wants to experience life through us. Its asking a question, and we are giving the answer in real time.

And the answer is that we are Source. We have to do the work to remove the perceived obstacles to connection.

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