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Know Your True Self And Be Happy

Artist: Martin Miller

To Be Happy You Need To Connect To Your True Nature And Not Ego Constructs

The world is positively experienced by those who are in tune with their inner true nature. The people who are trapped by the external sensory world or their internal noise created by distorted thoughts and perceptions, suffer and don’t know the reason why.

It’s easy enough to get sidetracked by sensuality, feelings of pleasure or pain, or our ideas, but there is a better dimension we can train ourselves to experience. The enlightened mind. The non-clinging, non-grasping, free mind.

Mundane Pursuits Are Transitory And Not Satisfactory

So why would you want to discover this other higher realm of the mind with your awareness, when everything out there seems so exciting, all for the taking: Sensuality, fame, money, power, and all the other things that seem to give you so much pleasure? Because they’re illusory. They are impermanent. You suffer when you lose them.

So if nothing lasts, do you have any control over anything then? Your body for example. Can you stop it from getting sick, aging or dying? Then why would you want to cling to something so fleeting? Why would you want to identify this body or mental labels as your self?

Higher Happiness Is Possible If You Let Go of Lesser Pleasures

Being happy is not impossible though. And if you want it, you have to be able to stop clinging to the sensual world and our internalized stories about our selves. Our happiness is created when we are in sync with your True Nature or Universal Mind. It’s an awareness that is unchanging and never dies. Everything is an expression of It. Let’s use a simile and compare It to the sun and the sunlight. The sun being Universal Mind and all creation as being the light , everything inseparable from each other, all one.

By Rejecting Material and Your Ego, You Are Rejecting Source

We need to be spiritual on the material plane. It’s necessary and ethical to maintain our lives and even enjoy ourselves. That’s what the Universe wants. But you have to keep it in perspective. The body and our ego consciousness is not our True Self. It’s a vehicle to merge with Universal Mind.

Use them while you can in a positive way and let go when it’s time. Don’t let stuff control you. It’s better to focus on your True Mind, instead of investing all your energy in satiating your body and regular consciousness.

Train Your Mind With Discernment To Overcome Suffering

If you have have developed wisdom, you will understand suffering, the causes and what actions to take of overcome suffering. . It’s all in the mind. If you lose your job, what are the choices. You can be depressed and think about how people did things to you and destroyed your life. Or you can think: I never liked that job anyway. This gives me a chance to do something else. The actual event is not important, it’s your reaction to it that is.

Subject And Object Are One. That is Enlightenment

If you overcome the perception of separation between subject and object, you will have found your True Nature. Are you separate from the trees? If they didn’t exist, you wouldn’t have oxygen. Are you separate from water? How could you exist, when 70% of your body’s makeup is water? Would you exist if you had no mother or father? Everything is interdependent. Thinking in terms of “I” or self, is delusion.

What We Think Internally Leads To What We Create Externally.

By being honest with yourself you can experience a world within that is free from greed, aversion and delusion. We are all born with an enlightened mind, and only lose the connection to it by pursuing our defilement. The sun is always shining but we don’t see it because the clouds are blocking the rays.

If you could just connect with and be content with awareness, you would be enlightened. You would always do the right thing and wouldn’t second guess yourself. You wouldn’t be upset with what everyone else is doing and would just live in peace.

Although you need to function in what we term daily life, you still have to find time to connect to Source. Meditate, pray, spend time in nature, play music. Stop your thoughts from churning in your mind, just let them go. You can entertain your thoughts later. Give your mind a quiet rest for now.

You will feel better because your mind is refreshed and calm. You’ll become a more peaceful person who doesn’t want to do harm. You will think clearer and be more patient when dealing with the problems of life.

The ultimate goal to work for, when you have purified your self and gotten rid of defilement: you would move beyond all the constructs of the mind. You would be totally enlightened…gone beyond desire and self definitions… just being, with no dualistic thought filters…complete happiness or bliss.

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