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Happy Healthy Cat: Urinary & Digestive Tract Maintenance

Kit Feeling Good

CBD oils saved his life.

Senior Cat Health: Urinary Tract And Digestive System

See bottom of article for update on Kit’s health and some more ingredients that helped him.

  • Apple cider Vinegar diluted 1 part to 5 parts water (twice daily: 6 squirts from syringe
  • CBD oil
  • Aloe Vera (twice daily, 6 squirts from syringe
  • Ginger water
  • Water from a filtration system and not filtered tap water.
  • senior food
  • smaller portions of wet food.

Our cats can be our best friends. And of course we want them to be happy and healthy. But as they get older, issues can start to develop with their urinary or digestive tracts. I’m not a doctor, so I’m not giving medical advice. You can go to your vet for that or do your own research. But I personally like to go natural because I know that with some medicines, the cure is often worse than the disease.

I have a cat called Kit. He was experiencing pain in his side at times. He would go around in circles and then sit down and stare at his back. The first time I saw this, I gave him a pain killer because he looked like he was suffering.

Then I did some research and thought about it. My first instinct was that it was his digestive system. Every time he ate, he had the pain for about a half hour. But at the same time, he was bloated and had trouble drinking water, so I thought he may be having trouble with his urinary tract or kidney.

So doing my research I found articles that backed up my idea that cranberries were a good place to start. They indicated that cranberry promotes digestive and urinary tract health. (I take the contents of the capsule, dilute it in water and use a dropper to feed it to him). I was really excited about the results. 5-10 minutes after his pain attack, he would get better. I decided to give him cranberry every day.

What I noticed is the cranberry soothed him after he was having pain. But it didn’t seem to be enough to prevent the issue in the first place. So I added a small amount of Omega 3 fish oil every day to his diet because I discovered it’s also apparently good for the urinary and digestive systems.

I got cat food that is low phosphorus in case his kidneys were in trouble. And I lowered his meal portions so that I wouldn’t overtax his digestive system.

He would go 4 days and then, he would have another episode. And it would last a few hours.

I added one more thing to the mix. I’m a big believer in aloe vera juice. It’s supposed to help with urinary tract infections as well as irritable bowel syndrome. I use a syringe to give him some to drink a few times a day. It’s a higher quality aloe vera juice that actually tastes like water.

So my strategy, which is working to keep Kit from experiencing stomach pain, is to feed him a small drop of fish oil and six small syringe doses of aloe vera juice every day. If he does happen to develop pain, he gets a dose of cranberry to calm his stomach down. As mentioned, he gets low PH cat food and smaller portions of food at his meal time. It’s pretty hard to avoid a high protein diet, because cats are meat eaters.

I’m not expecting miracles. Kit is about 14 years old and he’s not as hyper as he used to be. Now he wanders around the house and the back yard, instead of climbing trees and jumping fences. But his health has definitely improved since I gave him these remedies. He doesn’t lie around on the floor anymore and then suddenly tense up in pain, and go around in circles, looking at his back.


Quite a few months ago, I was trying to figure out how how to heal Kit. You’ll be happy to know he is still alive and is not experiencing problems for the most part. I gave him a senior cat food, and still give him some of the treatments I listed above. But, I went one step further and added apple cider vinegar, twice daily . Of course, I dilute it with five parts water to one part apple cider vinegar. I give him 6 small syringes per time. While doing research, just to sum up from a non scientific account, the acid in the vinegar is supposed to re-balance your PH. One more thing I did was stop using a water filter to filter tap water and got clean water from a filtration system. If you have lead pipes, this is a necessity.

You won’t believe it when I tell you that he doesn”t go around in circles anymore. The last time was about two weeks ago. And on that day I wasn’t home to give him his morning dose of apple cider vinegar.

I’m not a scientist, but I do have corollary evidence to suggest it works. And lately I have cut out the cranberry, because I don’t think it’s as effective as the vinegar. But i still give him aloe vera before he eats and a small drop of fish oil.

Update April 17, 2023

Kit is still alive and doing well. He hasn’t experienced the pain I described to you over a year ago. Even when I was giving him the other ingredients, he would sometimes still show pain but with less intensity and duration. But since I added CBD oils 4 months ago, he no longer goes in circles or lies curled up staring at his back. I even quit giving him apple cider vinegar and ginger water.

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