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Is News Really News?

Art By :Marty Miller

Do you find the news boring? Unproductive? So much money and time spent on what just seems like cheap entertainment not designed to inform, but instead to distract us. It’s different than other distractions such as sports . Everyone knows sports is a only a game. It allows people to have fun and perhaps live vicariously through their heroes. Then there’s music or comedy which lets you have a good time.

News entertainment wears you down if you listen to too much of it because it just brings fearfulness and powerlessness into your life. How can we sit and consume all that negative, useless information about people we don’t know and events that have nothing to do with us.

Imperfect World

Politics and business news is about taking the focus off of the vested power interests who control society and then shifting the the attention to the manager class, the public faces of the institutions. We are lead to believe that the politicians are in charge, when they are just selected and are doing what they are told. And then they tell people what they want to hear.

The media has a key role to play here as well, which is to promote certain issues or candidates and disparage the ones they don’t want. You can see networks all taking the same position, with few exceptions. So they are getting their orders from someone too.

They yammer on, saying the same talking points and citing the same experts. All on one side of the story. The other side doesn’t exist to them.

If they repeat it enough, most viewers will buy it eventually. People think that if everyone is saying it on T.V., radio and internet it must be so. Even if they don’t agree they will hide their true feelings and go along with it grudgingly. And because they are averse to conflict, they accept it because they want to be liked. They’re also scared of the repercussions of no going along with the crowd. So they join their liberal or conservative team and proceed to go after the other side. Simple disagreements about issues, lead to anger and hatred. People are propagandized to scapegoat their perceived enemy. A society of mean, petty, childish adults. A closed minded, ignorant population more than willing to have their heads filled with inauthentic, repugnant ideas.

The defective chip is put into our heads from the moment we’re born. Most of us are not taught to think, but instead to regurgitate what is given to us by organized education, religion. and parents who enforce the rules that were passed down by society’s institutions. They support censorship and physical force if you have ideas they don’t like.

For further distraction, there is the entertainment news. You have reporters making a big issue out of a celebrity that got fat for instance. And then you have the other issues, such as floods, wars, earthquakes, etc. And those are sensationalized to the point where people in America are freaked out about a shark attack in Australia. All news is negative, because that’s what sells.

Does news help you take action?

Do you think news is about informing you so you can take action and fix things? If that were the case don’t you think humans would have already cured cancer and eradicated hunger? We are always told we are a highly intelligent species and can do anything we set our collective minds to . So why can’t we do it? Because news is there to keep people dumbed down and in a constant state of mental conflict and worry. All these problems cause us to feel overwhelmed by everything and helpless, in our little boxes, therefore easier to control.

I am not the type of person that wants to ignore the world around me. I like to keep up on things., but not let it consume my time. I have other more important things to focus on. The events and people in our lives should matter more to us. We should be pursuing our own personal interests, instead of looking for problems elsewhere. Do I need to spend all my time learning and talking about all the intricate details about a certain politician? Or a war in a faraway place? I am not experiencing them directly, so why would I give all my energy to those things. They are beyond my control.

That’s not taking away from the people who really are doing investigative journalism and are not just talking heads. They are trying to live up to journalistic integrity such as presenting both sides of the story. The real journalists and a few talk show hosts are doing a great service because they are giving the people important information to understand what’s going on. The minority of the population that wants the truth has trouble finding the real story because it is suppressed by those who control the media.

Propaganda vs Truth

Is propaganda more effective than the truth? . Depends. If you are an independent thinker and are honest with yourself it’s not. If you don’t want to think and are only a follower, it works. Because the majority of people are predisposed to group think, they like being controlled and manipulated. They want to be told what to think because it’s easier that way. They just want someone who they like to do that to them.

Perhaps you think that if you can say your piece, you can get people to open their eyes. This is delusional thinking. No matter how strong of a case you can make to people about why you are right about an issue, you will never get them to accept it. You don”t have the budget to change the way they think.

Even if you can change peoples’ minds can you keep them changed?

Luckily, our minds are more powerful than the superficial content that we are programmed with. Sometimes we get sick of the lies and decide to start thinking. One moment can change your perspective and break the chain of thoughts that were artificially pumped into you. One weekend camping without the internet can break the trance.

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