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Rebirth And Karma In This Life Only

Art By Marty Miller

Previously, I went over my views on the fallacy of believing in an afterlife…going to heaven or being reincarnated. It’s just the human mind making up stories because our egos don’t want to die. We don’t want to understand that we are an expression of Source, eternal, and not separate from it. The only thing that makes us think or feel separate is the ego.

But I think reincarnation is a good model of understanding for our mundane life. Moment to moment our egos die and are then reborn. If you are a meditator you will get what I’m saying. As you watch your thoughts, you’ll see one come after another. Between each thought, is a gap, and it’s at that point where we can touch the eternal. But our awareness can’t settle down there for long. We move to the next thought, which is the next reincarnation. And most of the time go over the same thoughts again and again. There is no positive growth. Only habits being entrenched. Just the strengthening of your ego…trying to hold this shallow fabrication in place. Or creating new fabrications. New ideas of who you are.

How does this help you? Once you realize this, you have a choice. Either you can continue going around and around in your head, get stuck in your thoughts of past and future. Or you can extend the gaps between your thoughts and live eternally in the present.

But lets get back to reincarnation.

Regarding future lifetimes: I cringe when I hear people say “that person is so evil he’s going to experience bad Karma in his next lifetime.” I question why we have to wait lifetimes? To me, this doesn’t hold the person accountable now for his or her bad actions. All this does is make the people who have been harmed, become passive and not take action to stop the bad actor. They would rather leave it up to the cosmos to deal with it. And so the bad guy gets away with negative behavior.

I would rather people say, “I’m not waiting for another life. I’m going to deal with this person who has wronged me.” it may sound like revenge. Maybe. But it’s important that people defend themselves instead of being victims. Why? Because we are supposed to experience a life of joy and those people are trying to ruin it. So self defense is required.

What goes around comes around, or you reap what you sow, is real in this world. Any time I’ve ever mentioned Karma, I mean it for this lifetime. It’s inevitable that if you put out positive or negative energy, you’ll always get the same back.

You probably know ruthless people who rose to corporate or political heights, and through their hubris, were eventually reduced to scorn and destruction. It happens all the time. And even when they look successful on the outside, they’re falling apart inside. They made enough people angry, and when people see the chance, they move in to take them out.

The universe is benevolent and fair. Sometimes we think that it is working against us. But in reality, it is giving us exactly what we are asking for. Consciously or unconsciously. Maybe you’re not asking for health problems directly for example, but you may smoke, drink and overeat which leads directly to what appears to be an unwanted outcome. Supra consciousness, working through you, is trying to give you what you want. And when you see the results, you complain that life is unfair. I just see it as cause and effect. That’s Karma. If you decide to stop destroying your health, your body will heal.

Most of us aren’t aware of what we want. We just listen to others who we think know best for us, when in actual fact they don’t have a clue. They don’t know what’s best for themselves either. If everyone knew what they truly wanted, they’d all be content, living a meaningful life.

If you are a benevolent person, the universe showers you with blessings. You’re open to Source. It doesn’t mean that you get more stuff. Instead you are at peace with yourself no matter how poor or rich you are.

When you are the opposite: destructive, you are fighting Source, closed off to it. You’ve turned against your true nature. That’s why you’re miserable. Sitting in you vault full of gold or your little power delusion will not make up for your rejection of the divine. And when you’re in pain, you want others to suffer, especially those who are happy.

Is there hope for those who we consider evil? Even if we don’t threaten them with a horrible afterlife? Of course. Because whether you are aware or not, everyone has the potential in them already. We just have to discover our connection to Source.

And that can be at any moment.

After following a set pattern for years…repeating the same destructive behavior over and over again, you may have a deep insight and realize that what you are doing is wrong.

But once you’ve changed, do you have to carry the negative Karma from the past with you? Or can you just move on?

You will have broken the trajectory of the negative karma right at that instant, and now will be creating positive karma, no longer trapped in the muddy, stagnant backwaters, but instead in a fresh, clean flow.

Perhaps you will have to account for what you have done to your fellow humans, but if you change course, you may be able to redeem yourself in their eyes. You will have created enemies that won’t forgive you, no matter what. But you don’t have to beg for their forgiveness. Make a new life.

Luckily you’ve already redeemed yourself in your mind. No matter what, you don’t need to punish yourself at that point, because you’re not the same person you were before. You’ll wonder, what kind of a person was I? How could I have done all those things? You’ll use it as a cautionary tale, a reminder of how you don’t want to be. However you won’t identify with that person anymore. Because it’s not you. It never was. It was just an ego construct.

And once you’ve dropped the ego, you’re in tune with your true self, which is in tune with the higher universal self. It’s not a fabrication. It’s real.

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