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Demons Or Us. Who Creates Evil?

Where does the negative energy come from?

Think back to the very last time you were angry. You may have been totally relaxed and at peace, and suddenly negative emotions came from nowhere. You felt nothing but hatred for others or the situation you were in. What could explain this sudden change?

Most of us have experienced this sort of negative energy that springs forth from inside us, from as far back as we can remember. The only difference is that when you are older you can control your anger – suppress it better. By putting a mask over it, we don’t have to confront it and clean it out of us so it is allowed to fester and grow. So you carry your anger around longer. You have frustrations at home and at work and they build up until one little thing can trigger a strong reaction. An adult can harbour a grudge for a long time and carry out all kinds of evil to get back at the enemy. You never take off your suit of armour and then wonder why no-one can stand you.

Little kids are lucky because they don’t have this burden. They have fights with their little friends where they get it out of their system right away and 5 minutes later, its as if it never even happened and they’re having fun playing again. The poison isn’t able to take hold because of their innocence. They haven’t yet been corrupted by negativity.

The dark clouds of negative emotions take us over when we are gripped by hatred, anger, or jealousy. It seems as if we are possessed by demonic energy. Are they actual literal demons that move into you because they are attracted to your energy? And as they’re moving in do the angels or devas move away from you because they are repelled by your vibration?

Have you ever known someone who is like an energy drain? When you’re around that person, everything seems to go wrong in your life. A perfect example: a person i knew made friends with two brothers. They were happy guys when she first met them. They were working on their dreams, had jobs, were outgoing. And as time went by, everything started to go wrong in their lives. They lost jobs and friendships. I spoke to one of them after they stopped being friends with this woman and he said that he couldn’t believe how bad things had turned out just by being associated with her. They were able to put their lives together again. But it had been a horrendous experience.

I was talking to the same woman once, and i could have sworn she was possessed. She kept gossiping about people and being really cruel in her assessments. As I was listening, i shuddered…a force went up my spine, and i developed a sickness in my stomach…i had to get away immediately because i felt like her evil force was overtaking me.

Spiritual Forces of Good and Evil

From a spiritual perspective, you really feel that there is good energy and evil forces or beings that you need to shield yourself from or you will be destroyed by them. And how do you do that? By avoiding not only those people who are possessed by bad energy, but also your own evil propensities. You have to invite demons into your life for them to come. Every person is a conduit for different light and dark forces. The potential for Heaven and hell are in you. You can choose to purify or corrupt yourself.

As if your life is like a bucket. And you have two containers of water. One is pure and the other poisoned. Which ladle will you pick up to fill your bucket.

Non Spiritual Explanation

You may not like the explanation based on the spiritual side because it scares you to think that there are evil supernatural forces at work here. So you can choose the non spiritual perspective, a nice safe view that we are only biochemical organisms with a computer brain that processes information. We are programmed by our culture and take in data and interpret it as being good or bad from the standpoint of our personal or cultural survival. No good and evil inside the mind or in the world. No heaven and no hell realms. When you die, your brain just turns off like a light going out. Everything can be explained by science.

If that rings hollow, there is another way to explain our situation without thinking there are actual demons waiting to take us over when we invite them in. But to me that isnt too scary, because the opposite is true also. There are angels waiting to be invited in as well. Just be good and the angels will come. The demons will go.

We create our own suffering by choosing evil over goodness.

But from my perspective, I think every person has an enlightened nature that is a reflection of Source and it is covered over by our defilements when we go astray and lose our connection to Universal Consciousness. What creates the break or separation from nature? Many things such as, fear, pain, hatred, greed, aversion, loss….any kind of suffering.

We have to fix it.

So we have to somehow realize we are on the wrong track and have to get on the right one. . How do we end our suffering when we don’t know we are in trouble?. I will draw on Buddhist wisdom as a general guide.

We do that by developing compassion, generosity, wisdom, patience and acceptance.

Instead of hating, you put yourself in the shoes of the other person,…through understanding and compassion, see why they are lashing out. It doesn’t mean you put yourself in the place of being a victim, but it also stops you from hating back or getting revenge. You can see that the person likes to fight, and if you avoid or instead effectively confront the person in a fair manner, he or she will be neutralized or just go away. You can’t fight fire with fire. Everyone gets burned.

And rather than trying to hoard everything for yourself, you share your blessings with other people.

You examine why you are running from things you don’t like, and turn around to face them…you accept them as being a part of life. Such as sickness, old age or death. All are eventualities.

You follow moral precepts against killing, stealing, lieing, gossipping, saying malicious things, having illicit sex or taking intoxicants. Therefore you can look at yourself in the mirror.

Will all these things end our defilements? Not quite. But they are a step in the right direction. They will make your life harmonious and give you a state of mind that is ready for a meditative state because you are not consumed by negativity.

But even so, you are not there yet. Just when you think that you are enlightened, you are at total peace… you’re in an excellent mood driving down the hiway and suddenly someone cuts you off and you go nuts and turn into a monster, cursing and shaking your fist. Once its over, you calm down and think about it and ask yourself, what made me react that way. ‘ I thought I worked through all my issues.’

Something sparked it. What was it? Anger is just a reaction to fear. So what were you afraid of? Being killed? Or injured? Were you mad because you thought your car would get scratched? Or were you going to miss a job interview that was really important? Could be anything. These kind of incidents force you to grow as you see what you were attached to or was trying to avert. It reminds you that you are not enlightened after all and still have alot of work to do.

Now you have to examine all your thoughts, words and actions and clean up your mind. If you try to avoid the negative things you’ll attempt to push them away and they’ll just grow in intensity. But by acknowledging and working with them they will diminish and disappear and therefore lose their power over you.

It reminds me of a Buddhist story about a demon that takes over a building. Everyone tries to chase it away because its so threatening and disgusting. And the more it is insulted, the bigger and uglier it gets. But some wise person points out the mistake. He’s not afraid or repulsed by it. Instead, he doesn’t push the demon away. He treats it with respect and listens to its complaints. And because it feels understood, it loses it’s menacing size and posture and gets smaller and smaller and finally fades away.

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